Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Time flies ... time to pamper yourself!

Time flies, have we arrived at the end of July? Found a good article on NAILS Magazine Blog , in light of the economic downturn ...

For years financial advisors have counseled the cash-strapped to cut back on their daily grandé latte and instead tuck away the cash equivalent for a rainy day. But now they’ve gone too far. A recent article in the Wall Street Journal advises readers to “make a few small sacrifices” in these tough times, including skipping the salon and polishing nails at home. “Skip the salon and buff your nails yourself, and you’ll pocket $10 to $20 a week,” writes Lauren Baier Kim.

Ms. Kim is obviously missing the point of the weekly mani; it’s about so much more than polish. It’s about the pamperingtaking time away from the kids and the office and putting yourself first. It’s about girly fun, human touch, and a sense of belonging. Don’t think of it as pricey polish, think of it as therapy at a truly bargain price.


So ... what are you waiting for? See you at Cutie-Curls!

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